Airport Noise & Pollution Action Committee

Jackson Hole, Wyoming



Our mission is to reduce the noise and other negative impacts from aircraft on residential neighborhoods close to the airport, working in partnership with neighbors, local government, and Jackson Hole Airport ( JAC). We seek to promote decisions that preserve and protect the qualities that make Jackson attractive to residents and visitors alike for generations to come.

ANPAC fully recognizes the importance of JAC to the town of Jackson, the National Park, local businesses, and all of us who live here. The airport is vital to our economy and to keeping our communities vibrant and thriving. JAC is part of a larger ecosystem however, and families and residents living close to the airport should be protected from aircraft noise and other pollution to the maximum extent possible. We fully support JAC’s existence but seek to ameliorate the harmful and significant pollution in our neighborhoods. These are compatible, not contrary goals and would serve to benefit our community.



Working with the JAC Airport, neighborhoods near the airport, the Airport Board and FAA, aviation consultants and local government officials as necessary, our goals are to:

  • Explore additional, easterly flight paths on southerly departures from the Jackson Hole airport and identify those paths with the best mitigation of noise over the residential communities for submission to the FAA and to make scientific evaluation of alternate paths available to the public.

  • Urge JAC to take stronger steps to implement its own noise mitigation strategies including requesting JAC to more effectively encourage commercial and private aircraft to follow the established (but currently voluntary) noise abatement procedures.

  • Advocate that one member of the airport board live within the affected community south of the airport.

  • Request JAC to increase the number of surrounding neighborhood noise monitors and to make all noise monitoring data regularly available on its website and to publish comparative data in a timely manner.

  • To have a dedicated Airport Noise officer at JAC whose purpose is to work with airlines to ensure compliance with noise abatement routes as well as work to resolve noise complaints from the community.